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(Click on a category to expand)
The role of the Before / After School Club Supervisor
Before / after school clubs are an invaluable resource for any child who wants to explore a range of subjects, have more opportunities to play and socialise, and get support from practitioners on areas of learning they are struggling with. This course explores the role and responsibilities of a Supervisor in a school club, or holiday club, and covers essential information for anyone who works with children and/or young people.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
The role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead
It is a legal requirement to appoint a practitioner to be the safeguarding lead at a setting that cares for, teaches, or comes into regular contact with children. This role is often referred to as the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). This course explores common responsibilities of the DSL and good practice when responding to safeguarding concerns and disclosures, creating a culture of safeguarding, and working in partnership with external agencies.
On Sale! 20% discount!
Price: £25 £20
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
A good place to be two
Being two isn’t easy; at times you feel big and strong and then you feel small and vulnerable. Working with two-year-olds isn’t easy either; they’re endearing and trustful, but they also start to push boundaries and test their limits. Learn how to set up the physical environment for two-year-olds and be supportive in this contradictory stage.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
A magical place to learn
Create a themed indoor environment that gives children the opportunity to explore - independently and with adult guidance. This course takes fairy tales as the starting point for a variety of exciting activities and experiences. Learn the tools and gain the confidence needed to create your own themed space and bring your ideas to life.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Adolescent mental health awareness
Puberty is a major transition that affects the mental health and wellbeing of young people; exacerbating existing mental health conditions, causing new difficulties / conditions to emerge, and even building resilience for the future. Explore the effects of puberty, signs of mental ill health, and how best to talk to adolescents about their mental health.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
An enabling learning environment
Explore the areas of learning that should be found in an enabling early years environment. Consider how these areas promote learning and development, and the role of the practitioner. Learn how to create a ‘room to learn’ using a planned approach and how to adapt your plans and extend learning, according to individual needs and wishes.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
An introduction to child safeguarding
Safeguarding is an essential area of knowledge for those working with children and young people. Explore the principles of safeguarding and its importance in a childcare setting. Learn about types of abuse and neglect and possible signs and symptoms, policies and procedures for reporting concerns, whistleblowing, and relevant legislation, regulations, and guidance.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
An outdoor space to learn
This course takes an outdoor, natural material experience as its starting point for many exciting activities and experiences. Early years practitioners will be guided through the process of creating an outdoor space to learn, and given useful planning resources and tools. This course was written by Wellingtons for Langley Hall nursery in Berkshire.
Price: £14.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are highly stressful, and potentially traumatic, events, or situations that occur during childhood and adolescence. Learn about different types of ACEs and how they can impact on health and wellbeing (both short and long-term), risk and protective factors for adversity, and how to help build resilience that lasts a lifetime.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Awareness of anxiety disorders
Anxiety is a natural bodily response to challenging or dangerous situations, and only becomes a problem when it stops being a useful and occasional part of life, and starts being frequent and debilitating. Anxiety is the main symptom of phobias, panic attacks, social anxiety disorder, Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This course explores types of anxiety disorders, risk factors, self-help and treatments, and supporting someone with an anxiety disorder.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Awareness of depression
If you care for and support children, young people, or adults then you need to be aware of the difference between low mood and depression, be able to spot signs and symptoms of depression, and know how and when to provide support.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Awareness of eating disorders
Eating disorders are a type of mental health condition where people control food, have unhealthy eating behaviours, and may also fixate on body image. This course explores different types of eating disorders, potential causes and treatment options, signs and symptoms, and tips for supporting someone with an eating disorder. This course is aimed at anyone who works with, cares for, or supports someone with an eating disorder.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Awareness of substance misuse
A recent NHS report found that 24% of pupils in Years 7-11 had taken drugs. Awareness of substance misuse is, therefore, essential for anyone who works with young people. Learn about the most commonly misused substances, the reasons why young people take drugs, and the effects on health. Understand how schools can help prevent substance misuse.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
This short course introduces the essentials of babysitting. Explore the responsibilities of both parent and sitter and the importance of continuity of care, child safety, and how to set boundaries and expectations of behaviour. Learn about the stages of child development and some of the care activities a babysitter might be asked to do.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Building a team
This short course will explore the stages of team development. Consider team roles, with particular reference to Meredith Belbin's research. Explore the ways in which a leader can lead a team effectively, how they build the team, and how they learn to let go and delegate.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Bullying awareness and prevention
The emotional effects of bullying at school can last a lifetime, and be detrimental to academic performance and attendance. Understand the different types of bullying, signs to look out for, and how and when you should intervene. Learn about how schools can help to prevent bullying and talk to children and young people about cyberbullying.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Caring for children with allergies
1 in 4 people in the UK will be affected by allergies at some point in their life and allergies are particularly common in children. Learn about common allergies, how the body reacts to allergens, and symptoms. Consider how to reduce the risk of direct contact and what to do if you suspect an allergic reaction.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Child and young person development (0-19 years)
Every child is an individual and will develop skills in their own way and time, but there are ‘developmental norms’ and ages when you would expect a child to develop certain skills. Consider stages of development from birth to 19 years, and influences on a child’s life that could affect them developing according to expected norms.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Child development: 0-5 years
Explore the broad ages and stages of early childhood development, including the science of brain development, the importance of attachment, and the different stages of play development. Learn about key theories of child development and national guidance (Development Matters), and how this informs practice and policy in the early years.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Child observations
Observations in the early years enables effective planning so every child can make progress. Explore the observation cycle and different types of observations. Learn about the components of an effective observation, rules relating to privacy and confidentiality, and how observations can be used to decide on, and plan for, the next developmental milestone.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Children in care / Looked After Children in education
The number of children reported to be in care in England is approximately 1 in every 140 so it's likely that as an educator, you have children in care at your school or college. This course considers the different care arrangements they might be in, reasons why children and young people are in care, some of the effects of being in care, and how schools and colleges can best support these children and young people.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Communication and the EYFS
Explore one of the prime areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS): Communication and language. Learn about how to support children’s development in line with statutory guidance, the importance of building confidence with language, and making sure children know that we are listening to, and valuing, what they are trying to communicate to us.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
Explore the importance of continuous learning and development - for yourself and your team members. Consider preferred learning styles, the many forms that learning can take, and how to plan and evaluate professional development. Learn about the CPD cycle, Personal Development Plans (PDP) and how to identify strengths and areas of improvements.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Creating a home learning environment
Explore ideas for creating an enabling home learning environment, holistic activities for the home and garden, socialising home-schooled children, and planning your day. This course aims to reassure parents who are having to create a home learning environment for the first time; supporting them on the transition from conventional schooling to home-based learning.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Cultural awareness
We are lucky to live in a culturally diverse country and many of us will work in a diverse setting. Consider how we can celebrate diversity, the meaning of cultural awareness, and why it is important in educational settings. Learn about inclusive practice and how to encourage it in our work with colleagues and children.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Developing children’s numeracy skills
Helping children develop the skills necessary to support mathematical learning, problem-solving, and relating numeracy to everyday life is a crucial part of being an educator. Understand the importance of numeracy skills to future achievement and self-esteem. Learn techniques that demonstrate the relevance of numeracy to daily life, classroom strategies to develop numeracy skills, and tasks and activities you can use.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Developing learning resources
This course will help teachers and teaching assistants to create, find, and adapt learning resources for different learning styles and needs. Learn about copyright for education and sharing resources online. Explore digital technology in the classroom and creating sustainable resources. Know how to prepare for different learning needs, such as EAL and SEN.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Developing self-esteem in young children
This short course explores answers to the following questions: What is self-esteem, why is it so crucial to children’s development, and how can you contribute? Learn about the characteristics of a child with healthy self-esteem and compares this to children with low or poor self-esteem. Explore strategies and ideas for supporting the development of healthy self-esteem.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Difficult emotions and emotional regulation (SEND students)
Students with additional needs can often present with difficult and ‘big’ emotions. Understanding these difficult emotions and trying to find strategies and solutions is essential for your role. Learn about emotional regulation, how 'big' emotions can present, and some strategies you can use in the classroom.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
EAL in the early years
This course covers early language acquisition, and how early years practitioners can support children learning English as an Additional Language (EAL). Explore the stages of learning for children with EAL, approaches and strategies for young learners, common challenges, and how to respect and encourage home language.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Education Management and Leadership in Early Years
A comprehensive course for leaders and managers in the early years that covers x5 subjects: Understanding leadership and management, managing health and safety, appraisal skills, equality and diversity, and team leading.
Price: £120
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
This course is not available to purchase with an access code.
Effective staff supervision in the early years
This short course explores the concept of supervision and the important role it plays within a well-managed setting, particularly in terms of safeguarding. You will be introduced to good practice in implementing supervision processes at your setting. This short course has been written by international early years consultant and trainer, Laura Henry.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Environmentally friendly schools
Schools play a vital role in helping children and young people to become environmentally conscious adults, and one of the best ways to do this is leading by example. Learn about the carbon footprint of schools (including waste, travel, and energy), and ways to reduce the negative impact of your school on the environment.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Equality, equity, diversity, and inclusion in education
It’s important children learn from the earliest age to value differences between people and be inclusive. Educators play a vital role in this process and have a legal duty to promote equality in learning environments. Learn about legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity, and discrimination. Know how to work in an inclusive and respectful way.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Facilitating play in the playground for SEND students
Play supports the lifelong development of children. Students with SEND face significantly more barriers than neurotypical children when developing key learning skills, and this includes play. Learn about the benefits of play for SEND students and how best to facilitate and support play as a practitioner (with a focus on playgrounds).
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) awareness
FGM is illegal in this country and considered child abuse, but it is estimated that around 60,000 girls under 15 years are at risk when they travel to visit relatives in countries where this harmful practice is common. Anyone who works with children, young people, and vulnerable adults has statutory safeguarding duties regarding FGM. This course explains FGM procedures, reasons why it is practiced in other countries, the significant health consequences, and how best to support individuals at risk.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
First time leadership in a childcare setting
In this course, explore the difference between leading and managing. Consider the ways in which you can adapt from being a friend to a line manager. Gain an understanding of the art of negotiation and look at your values and beliefs and how this affects your actions. Finally, explore your ability to manage time effectively.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Forest Schools and outdoor learning
This short course explores outdoor learning in a local woodland or natural environment with trees. Learn about the benefits of outdoor learning, principles of Forest School, hazards in the outdoor environment, activities that work well in a woodland setting, and woodland flora and fauna.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Fundamental British values
This short course introduces fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. All schools have a duty to actively promote these values. Learn what fundamental British values are, their importance, and how they can be actively promoted.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Getting started as a training centre
This course is suitable for anyone considering setting up a training centre to deliver UK qualifications. It will take you through how to lay the foundations of a high-quality training centre, and key actions to take before taking on any learners. This course covers assessment, qualifications, policies and procedures, staffing, and ways to deliver teaching.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Health and safety in the early years
This short course explores safe and secure environments for children and how to use risk assessments to raise everybody's awareness of potential dangers. Look at ways in which leaders maintain a healthy, safe, and secure environment for children and, in particular, look at hygiene practices. Learn how to supervise procedures for accidents, injuries, illnesses, and other emergencies.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
I made a unicorn
Play isn’t just recreation – it’s an approach to life! Every action involves the whole being: mind, body, and spirit. Play is basic to children’s wellbeing; it’s their way to discover the world, express themselves, and cope with difficulty. Children’s play must be respected. This short course looks at how children play, and how adults can interact with and support them. This course was created in partnership with Community Playthings.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Inclusion in the early years
In this short course, learners will explore the meaning of inclusion and how this applies to practice in an early years setting. Understand the barriers to inclusion, and how to overcome them. Know how to adapt activities and include every child and their families in setting life. Gain an understanding of how to promote diversity, equality, and inclusion.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Invigilating tests and examinations
The key role of an invigilator is to ensure the integrity of the examination process. Learn about the roles and responsibilities of an invigilator, the requirements of the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ), access arrangements for learners with disabilities and learning difficulties, and what to do if malpractice is suspected.
On Sale! 20% discount!
Price: £25 £20
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Keeping children safe online
This short course explores some of the safety issues relating to the use of the internet, particularly by children. Internet usage has increased enormously, but so have reports of the safeguarding issues linked to abuses of internet communication. You will be introduced to some of the risks and dangers, and how to deal with them – including where to report online concerns and risks.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Lighting the fire
The emphasis on test scores and league tables induces many schools to rely on formal teaching methods. But is this how children really learn? In order to learn, education must come alive! If interest is kindled, children take initiative and make the knowledge their own. Learn key ways in which you can help that to be the case for the children you support. This course was created in partnership with Community Playthings.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Literacy in the EYFS
This short course explores how best to encourage early literacy. It looks at how literacy and communication skills are central to children’s intellectual, social, and emotional development, and how the world of literacy begins at a very early age. This course is suitable for early years practitioners or parents and carers of a young child.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Managing behaviour
Understand what positive behaviour looks like at an early years or school setting. Explore strategies to reduce challenging behaviour and how to handle conflict between children. This course also covers ‘big emotions’, and when challenging behaviour may be a cause for concern.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Managing child safeguarding
This short course explores managing safeguarding at early years and childcare settings. Explore information sharing, keeping children safe in education, and working together to safeguard children. This course considers best practice for managing allegations made against your staff, and how to write safeguarding policies and procedures.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Managing people
This short course explores leadership styles and the role of a manager. Learn about Kolb's learning styles and how this research enables team members to develop their skills. Find out how to give and receive feedback assertively and how to define non-assertive and aggressive behaviour.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Modelling and scaffolding for students with SEND
All students need cognitive support to help them problem solve, answer academic questions, and access the curriculum independently. This course will look at two teaching strategies in detail – modelling and scaffolding, and consider how teachers can coach their students to become independent learners, with specific advice for supporting SEND students in the classroom.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Music for All
Free Course!
Research has shown that incorporating music training as part of a child's educational experience raises their IQ and encourages them to be more sensitive, confident, and responsible. Written by Langley Hall Primary Academy, this course will guide you through the process of establishing a 'Music for All' initiative at your school.
Price: £0 - This course is included for free with every account!
This short course introduces you to the key aspects of working life as a nanny. Explore roles and responsibilities (including care routines, managing behaviour, and play), how to work in partnership with parents / carers, the health and safety considerations involved when working in the family home, and how to safeguard children in your care.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Numeracy and the EYFS
In this course, you will learn how to support children’s emergent mathematical development. Maths is all around us, and this course will help you find learning opportunities in daily routines and activities. Understand the mathematical skills and concepts that children should be learning from 0-7, and the adult role in this.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Nurturing development in the Prime Areas of the EYFS (0-3 years)
This short course explores early child development in the Prime Areas of the EYFS: Communication, physical development, and personal, social and emotional development. It covers birth to 3 years, and suggests activities and interactions that nurture development for parents and early years practitioners to try with the babies and toddlers they care for.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Nurturing development in the Specific Areas of the EYFS (0-3 years)
This short course explores early child development in the Specific Areas of the EYFS: Literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, and expressive arts and design. It covers birth to 3 years, and suggests activities and interactions that nurture development for parents and early years practitioners to try with the babies and toddlers they care for.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Nutrition in the early years
This short course looks at encouraging healthy eating at a young age, and giving young children a good start in life through nutritious food and adequate hydration. You will be introduced to the components of a healthy diet, and understand the importance of portion sizes that reflect the size of the child. Get practical advice on allergies and intolerance, and how to encourage fussy eaters to try new foods.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Ofsted’s 3 I’s: Intent, Implementation, and Impact
In the Education Inspection Framework (EIF), Ofsted introduced 3 terms: Intent, Implementation and Impact. Ofsted use these ‘3 I’s’ to make a judgement on the ‘quality of education’ at a setting. Understand the 3 I's, explore the use of the 3 I’s in everyday practice, and apply it to your curriculum development.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Outdoor play
This short course introduces play and learning opportunities that can be facilitated outdoors. Discover the benefits of outdoor play to a child’s life, gain ideas for activities, and understand how to encourage children to expand and develop their imaginative play outdoors. Additionally, you will learn how to review current outdoor play provision, plan a new space, and help children to manage risk.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Partnership with parents
This short course introduces the importance of the partnership practitioners create with parents and carers in a childcare setting. You will be introduced to how to make the partnership work effectively, how to engage with new parents and carers, and how to deal with conflict when it arises.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) in the early years
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) are three building blocks for future success in life. They make up one of the prime areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Learn about the ages, stages and theories of PSED, how it promote it in the early years, and the importance of attachment and play.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Physical activity in the early years
As childcare practitioners, it’s part of our duty to do all we can to help babies and children get into the habit of being physically active and support their physical development. This course covers the benefits of exercise and mobility for young children, the national guidelines for physical activity, and strategies for promoting physical activity in the early years.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Play is fun-damental to learning and development
Play is how children learn and develop, especially in their younger years. All children need, and have a right, to play. This course explores the importance of play for children, and the many benefits that it provides. There is a focus on play and physical development, PSED, sensory play, playing in nature, and the play cycle.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Promoting positive behaviour
Consider how to promote positive behaviour, manage behaviour that challenges, and create an educational environment where everyone feels safe and happy. Understand the importance of policies, procedures, and strategies for managing behaviour. Know how to be consistent and role model the standards you expect of the learners at your setting.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Recognising and supporting children with SEND
This short course explores the topic of special educational needs within a childcare setting. Learn more about Down’s syndrome, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, and Autism Spectrum Condition, as well as the key legislation governing practice in this area. Consider how practitioners can identify, understand, and support children with SEND.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Supporting children on the Autism spectrum
More than 1 in 100 people in the UK are on the autism spectrum so it's likely that you will be supporting children with Autism in early years settings, schools, colleges, and care provisions. Learn common signs of Autism, how the condition affects children across a range of developmental areas and ages, and interventions and approaches that can help.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Supporting children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
This short course aims to increase understanding of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and is suitable for those working with children and young people. Learning explains the difference between ADHD and ADD and helps you to spot the signs and symptoms of ADHD, understand the causes, and provide children, young people, and their families with accurate information and guidance.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Supporting children with Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a common learning difficulty and dyslexic learners face problems when processing words into meaningful information, but that doesn't mean it's a barrier to being skilled and achieving well. Learn how the condition affects children and young people, signs and symptoms, the importance of early identification, and teaching strategies.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Supporting children with Dyspraxia
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), also known as Dyspraxia, is a lifelong condition affecting movement coordinating. It's a common motor disorder, with approx. 5% of children in the UK having some degree of dyspraxia, and it often isn't diagnosed until adulthood. Learn about the disorder, symptoms and early identification, the assessment process, and how to support dyspraxics in a learning environment.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Supporting learning activities
Learn about planning and preparing for learning activities at educational settings. Know how to use formal and informal observation to assess development, and provide feedback to class teachers. Consider how to meet the needs of all learners and use inclusive learning approaches for literacy, language, numeracy, and ICT.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Supporting literacy skills
Support the literacy skills of learners in an educational setting. Learn how to identify learner needs, create targets for development, and explain the literacy demands of activities. Consider strategies for developing reading, writing, and communication skills, and boost learners' confidence with English.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Supporting students with English as an Additional Language (EAL)
There are over one million learners in UK schools who speak English as an Additional Language (British Council) and students speak over 350 languages between them (NALDIC). It’s very likely you will have EAL learners in your classroom and you must be able to support, encourage, and include them in ways that meet their individual needs. Learn the main principles of EAL teaching, approaches, and strategies.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Teaching literacy to SEND students
This course will identify how to develop the four skills of Literacy: Speaking, listening, writing and reading, with an emphasis on practical solutions for the classroom and specific impairments. It will cover specific learning disabilities associated with literacy, and how best to make the teaching of literacy skills meaningful for SEND students. There is a focus on KS1 and KS2 throughout this course.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Teaching maths to SEND students
This short course considers practical ways to embed mathematical thinking and learning into your classroom, explores the principles of 'teaching for mastery', and identifies effective teaching strategies for the maths curriculum. This short course is designed with SEND students in mind, but 'good teaching for SEND is good teaching for all' - making it applicable to whole-class teaching too.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
The baby room
Baby room practitioners have an important role because they influence sensitive human beings during the most formative period of life. This is a big responsibility and privilege. Consider the traits and skills a practitioner in this role needs. Understand the importance of the first years of life to development, and gain an appreciation of play. This course was created in partnership with Community Playthings.
On Sale! 20% discount!
Price: £25 £20
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
The irresistible classroom
In every classroom, the child does the learning, the teacher facilitates that learning, and the environment must support them both. This course looks at how Reception and Key Stage 1 classrooms can inspire education. This short course looks at the impact the classroom can have on a child’s learning and development. This course was created in partnership with Community Playthings.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
The Prevent Duty
This short course explores ‘The Prevent Duty’, and is suitable for those working in schools and childcare settings. Prevent is part of the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy, preventing people from becoming involved in, or supporting, terrorism. Consider what the Prevent duty means for practitioners, how to comply with the duty, and where to find advice and support about protecting children.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
The progress check at age 2
It's a requirement of the EYFS to review the progress of children between the ages of 2 and 3 years old. This course explains the importance and aims of the progress check, steps you need to take, and the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved. Consider the role of the Key Person, the best time to conduct the check, and how to engage parents and carers in the process.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
The role of the key person
This short course explores the role of the key person and the importance of the relationship between the key person and the child's parent / carer. Learn how to promote personal, social, and emotional development and gain a better understanding of what this means in day-to-day practice. Look at factors that affect the ability to develop loving, secure relationships and study children's emotional needs.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
The role of the SENCo
This short course is suitable for a SENCo in an early years setting, or a practitioner who is working towards the role. Learn about the role and responsibilities of the SENCo, early identification and intervention, strategies for supporting children and their families, and the guidance and legislation relevant to SEND. This course is also suitable for childminders and parents/carers who want to learn more about special education provision.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Transitions: Primary to secondary school
The move to secondary school means a number of major changes for children. Some children feel settled and happy in the new school relatively quickly, but others take a while to adapt to the new routine and environment. Understand the experience of moving schools and how best to support children at this time. Learn about key transition difficulties and how to alleviate fear and teach resilience.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Understanding Assessment for Learning (AfL)
AfL is a commitment to learning and progression at school - tailored to individual needs. Gain an understanding of how AfL is used to at schools, and how it can encourage learning. Know how to support learners and encourage self-reflection. This is aimed at learning support practitioners.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Understanding cognitive development in children
Cognitive development is the process by which we acquire, organise, and learn to use knowledge. It is widely recognised that early childhood is the most critical and sensitive time for brain (including cognitive) development, with another rapid learning stage in adolescence. Learn about cognitive development and an introduction to neuroscience, milestones, theorists, and the importance of sensory experiences, responsive adults, and enabling environments.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription
Understanding leadership and management (childcare)
This short course explores leadership and management in an early years setting. Consider a variety of leadership styles and the importance of communication. Learn how to deal with conflict in a way that leads to successful resolution and understand your role and responsibility as a manager. You do not need to be working in a managerial role to complete this course, but should be working in childcare.
Price: £24.99
OR included with every Unlimited Subscription